3 popular Spanish dishes that will make you want to visit again

tortilla de patatas

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Coming to Spain? Here are 3 popular Spanish dishes you can’t miss out

Spain has a great culinary tradition. Surely you’ve heard about its aceite de oliva, its variety of quesos and cured meats, olives, pimientos, and many other foods that may come to your mind. Gastronomy is very important in Spanish culture, and if you’re visiting, there are some typical dishes you can’t miss out on. In this article, we will review 3 popular Spanish dishes you must try while in the country, and we’ll show you where you can find them. Are you ready to make your mouth water? Let’s go!

Tortilla de patata (obviously)

The tortilla de patata is definitely at the top of our list of popular Spanish dishes. It translates as “Potato omelette” and its a mix of eggs and fried potatoes. A lot of Spaniards eat what we call a pincho (a piece) for breakfast with a slice of bread, but it’s enjoyed during lunchtime and dinner too. This dish is so common that there are even annual contests, as well as a never-ending debate: with or without onion?

Where can you find the best tortilla de patata?

Since it’s so popular, you can find a good tortilla almost anywhere. One very famous tortilla is the one from Betanzos, known for its creamy and juicy interior. Betanzos is a town located in A Coruña (Galicia), and they cook the tortilla so well that “Tortilla de Betanzos” has become a concept, referring to their specific type of omelette. If you visit Galicia, you should definitely try it!

In Madrid, you can find a really good tortilla in a bar called La Maruca. It’s so good that it is considered one of the best in the capital. The establishment is located in the city center and they serve a creamy omelette that tastes like heaven!

If you are heading to the south of Spain, there is a traditional bar called Bodeguita Romero, in Sevilla, famous for its tortilla de patata, where you should definitely stop by to give it a try!


The list of popular Spanish dishes often includes paella. Paella is made primarily from rice and a combination of vegetables, meat and seafood, and saffron for flavor and color (yellow). It was created in Valencia, on the eastern coast of Spain, but it is cooked all around Spain, typically on Sundays. There are different types of paellas, but the Paella Valenciana is the most famous one.

Where can you find a good paella?

Well, you won’t be surprised: in Valencia. Many different restaurants offer excellent paellas and rices, but La Pepica would be a good choice! It is well known in the city and offers good quality prices.

In Madrid, you can find a good paella in Casa Lucio. Casa Lucio is also famous for its huevos rotos and tortilla de patatas, but also for its delicious paella. If you want to try our first two selections of popular Spanish dishes, Casa Lucio is definitely the place to go!

A great place to enjoy paella in Alicante is Restaurante Dársena, located near the marina. It’s famous for serving some of the best paella de marisco in the city, made with fresh, high-quality seafood. With a beautiful view of the water, it’s the perfect spot!

Croquetas… yum!

The third one listed among the most popular Spanish dishes are croquetas. A croqueta is a popular Spanish tapa made of a creamy filling (often béchamel sauce) mixed with various ingredients like ham, chicken, fish, or mushrooms. The mixture is then breaded and deep-fried until golden and crispy on the outside while remaining soft and creamy on the inside.

Croquetas are widely enjoyed across Spain and are a staple in many Spanish homes, tapas bars, and restaurants.

Best croquetas in Spain?

Sevilla has many restaurants that offer unmissable croquetas. But Becerrita is really famous for its Croquetas de Cola de Toro, and they are often listed on the top of Best Croquetas in Sevilla.

In Toledo, you can find amazing croquetas in La Clandestina, a restaurant located in the heart of the town. It has received many awards and recognitions for its amazing dishes.

If you’re heading to Asturias, Gijón has a spot you should not miss: El recetario de Álex Sampedro. They offer croquetas cremosas de jamón ibérico, which translates as creamy iberian ham croquettes, which you should definitely try!

But there are more…

This was our selection among the most popular Spanish dishes, but there are many more! From gazpacho to sweet foods like churros with chocolate or torrijas, Spain offers an incredible variety of foods and traditional dishes that are well worth trying. We hope you’re inspired to discover them! See you next time!

I’m deeply in love with Spain—take me there!

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